At Marine Towing and Salvage of Southwest Florida we are proud to serve the boating community, as the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) licensed marine assistance provider in Southwest Florida.
TowBoatUS Cape Coral, Marine Towing and Salvage of S.W. Florida, offers marine assistance towing, fuel delivery, part delivery, jump starts, contract towing, marine salvage, diving services, and contract oil pollution clean-up services.
As a TowBoatUS licensee, we charge BoatUS for the work we do. As an "Unlimited Member" of TowBoatUS you have no out of pocket expense, unless you need parts or supplies (all you pay, is what we pay). Non-members pay competitive market rates that are the lowest, in the area that Marine Towing & Salvage of S.W. Fl. covers. In the accompanying box, some of those rates are listed for both TowBoatUS members and non-members.
In addition to the hourly towing charges, there are separate rates for operations at night and additional charges for operations in inclement weather. For those who need a "soft ungrounding", an additional fee (based on the length of your vessel) is charged for that service. For the delivery of needed supplies, the cost of the supplies, are added to the invoice.
Salvage operations are billed on the basis of the length of the boat to be salvaged and the complexity of the salvage operation, the kinds of equipment needed, and the number of personnel involved. A pollution clean up is billed on the basis of time, materials, and personnel.